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Glenn Beck's Common Sense: The Case Against an Out-of-Control Government, Inspired by Thomas Paine

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#1 New York Times bestselling author and popular radio and television host Glenn Beck revisits Thomas Paine's Common Sense.

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Customer Buzz
 "Why are we enslaving ourselves and our children?" 2009-08-13
By A. Richert (Saint Louis, MO United States)
Glenn Beck's Common Sense: The Case Against an Out-of-Control Government is a book I think most Americans can appreciate. Don't simply dismiss the message because of the messenger. By doing so I believe you are doing yourself a great disservice. Do you feel like the country has gone crazy over the last several years or decades? Do you often feel you are alone in those thoughts? If so, take comfort that you aren't alone. Mr. Beck lays out a well thought out case that we as a country are hurtling out of control and that We the People need to stand up and take the country back.

Mr. Beck is hard hitting to both Democrats and Republicans, essentially making the case, and I for one believe it to be valid, that both parties are taking us to the same place, which is a place that is not sustainable. Some of the examples he uses are both mind boggling and infuriating at the same time. For example, when you sit down and actually look at how the districts are drawn and the great lengths both Republican and Democrat incumbents go to keep power it is sickening.

If you believe it is time to do something to take our country back from Washington then this short read is an essential first step.

Pro Deo, Pro Familia, Pro Patria

Customer Buzz
 "Not worth anyone's time" 2009-08-13
By Anne Livingston (Washington, USA)
A friend gave me this and I did try to read it. At least I now better understand where all the conspiracy ideas seem to be sprouting from lately.

Unless you really want to believe in those theories I can't imagine this book resonating with anyone. It is based on made up "facts" and designed to play on the paranoid. I don't know why so many Americans want to believe that only they are smart enough to see the truth in made up nonsense but there is certainly a market for it. I didn't make it to the end of the book and returned it to its owner wondering why he would want to waste his time with something so off the mark. I have never seen Mr. Beck's show but now I know I don't want to.

Customer Buzz
 "A Wake-up Call To Every American" 2009-08-13
By David L. Ingram
"Common Sense" should be required reading for all freedom loving Americans. Glenn Beck points out the basic principles of our form of government and makes it clear that so many of us today are too willing to let it go.

A short read and very entertaining for such a serious issue. Buy the book and share it with others.

Customer Buzz
 "Starts out strongly, but quickly peters out...." 2009-08-13
By Reader in Palo Alto (Palo Alto, CA, USA)
This book was very disappointing for me.

Content: Beck constantly talks about his "plan" to correct what has been happening in Washington, but ultimately, he offers no plan at all. A few positive notes, though: he does not whine in this book nearly as much as he does on his radio show, nor does he once again dredge up the minute details of his struggle (twenty or so years ago) against alcoholism.

Style: Beck is not nearly as good a writer as Mark Levin, or the superb Jonah Goldberg (I would recommend reading the latter's "Liberal Fascism", and also a free copy of Paine's original "Common Sense", rather than buying this book).

Customer Buzz
 "Uncommon Common Sense" 2009-08-13
By W. Jamison (Eagle River, Ak United States)
This book is loaded with the sense that makes Glenn Beck one of the most popular wisdom teachers on TV. For those without the time to watch him each day as he picks apart the foibles of the moment here is something to carry around with you to keep your mind clear and alert to psychobabble.

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